Financial Law

Financial Law
Шашкова Анна Владиславовна
Профессор Московского государственного института международных отношений (МГИМО) Научный руководитель программы Executive MBA Школы бизнеса и международных компетенций МГИМО С 1999 года является членом Адвокатской палаты Московской области - адвокат Автор более 30 учебных и научных печатных и Интернет материалов по проблемам политической теории, отмывания незаконных доходов, предпринимательскому праву. Автор материалов для подготовки к ACCA F4 (RUS), LW RUS Имеет многочисленные публикации в международных высокорейтинговых журналах. Индекс Хирш по Скопусу – 6 Преподает курс «Корпоративное право» в London School of Business & Finance (Великобритания) Информация об А.В. Шашковой включена в энциклопедию «Кто есть Кто» 2015»
доктор политических наук, кандидат юридических наук

Общая трудоёмкость
(в часах)
Виды учебных занятий, включая самостоятельную работу обучающихся и трудоемкость (в часах) Формы текущего контроля успеваемости
всего аудиторные учебные занятия
лекции семинары, практические занятия самостоятельная работа обучающихся
1 - й осенний семестр (16 недель)

Topic 1 Fraudulent Behaviour at Securities Market

18 4 4 10 -

Insider Dealing

Price Manipulation & other Offences
2Topic 2 The Nature and Legal Control over Money Laundering

The Offence of Money Laundering

Instruments to Control Money Laundering
About the course
Course objectives are:
1. To introduce students to recognise the nature and legal control over activities that may destabilise securities markets.
2. To orient students towards the nature and legal controlover money laundering.
Learning outcomes:
The basic principle of the course is interactive participation of students in getting  fundamental knowledge on Russian financial law in comparison with the UK &  the USA financial law.
Classes are generally held to enhance motivation & initiative in learning Russian financial law.
Teaching methods used include  interactive lectures, discussions, team work, case analyses. The course emphasizes a problem solving approach.
By the end of this course students shall be able to:
1. Recognise the nature and legal control over activities that may destabilise securities markets.
2. Recognise the nature and legal control over money laundering.
Reading List for All Topics
Essential Readings:
Shashkova A. Study Manual on the Bases of Russian Law. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. – 2015.
The Criminal Code of the RF No.63-FZ, dated 13 June 1996.
The Code for Administrative Violations of the RF No.195-FZ, dated 30 December 2001.
The Federal Law No.39-FZ “On the Securities Market”, dated 22 April 1996.
The Federal Law No.115-FZ “On Counteraction of the Money Laundering of the Income from Illegal Sources and Terrorist Financing”, dated 7 August 2001.
General Readings:
Shashkova A., Corporations and the State: Emerging of the Problem of Corporate Liability. Opción, Año 34, Especial No.14 (2018):432-458.
Shashkova A., Protecting Investments: Accurate Legal Compliance with Sanctions, Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Corruption. AEB (Association of European Businesses). “How to Invest in Russia”. (2018), 43-46.
Shashkova A., Corporations and the State: Emerging of the Problem of Corporate Liability. Montenegrin Journal of Economics. Vol. 14, No. 3 (2018), 143-154.
Shashkova A., PRO ET CONTRA CRIMINALIZATION OF CORPORATE LIABILITY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. M. Kutafin University Law Review. Volume 2. October 2017. Issue 2. p. 544 -554.
Shashkova A., Russian Specifics of Combating Corruption. M. Kutafin University Law Review. Volume 2. May 2015. Issue 1 (3). p. 51 -68.
Shashkova A., Financial & Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Russia, M. – 2011.
Shashkova A., Practical Realization of One of G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance – Role of Interested Parties – by the Example of Toyota [Prakticheskaja realizacija odnogo iz Principov  G20/OJeSR -   rol' zainteresovannyh lic - na primere korporacii Toyota]. Ars Administrandi  - 2016. №1. p. 60 – 75. DOI: 10.17072/2218-9173-2017-1-43-51.
·      The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia). Information Notice. On cancelling licences of professional securities market participant. URL:
D. Vasiliev. Capital Market Development in Russia. URL:
Money Laundering / Russia // Thomson Reuters. URL:
Anti money-laundering law is enacted in Russia. PWC. URL:
Anti-Money Laundering Forum. Russia. URL:
Official  sources:
The Federal Law No.273-FZ “On Combating Corruption”, dated 25 December 2008.
The Federal Law No.135-FZ “On Competition Protection”, dated 26 July 2006.
The Law of the RSFSR No.948-1 “On Competition and Restriction of Monopoly Activity on Commodity Markets”, dated 22 March 1991.
The Federal Law No.46-FZ “On the Protection of the Rights of Investors in the Securities Market”, dated 5 March 1999.
The Federal Law No.224-FZ “On Counteracting the Illegitimate Use of Insider Information and Market Manipulation and on Amendments to Certain Laws of the Russian Federation”, dated 27 July 2010.
Internet resources:

Protecting investments: accurate legal compliance with sanctions
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Тема . Topic 1.1. Overview of the Russian Financial System. Securities. Fraudulent Behaviour at Securities Market. Insider Dealing

Lecture 1.1 «Insider Dealing».

Summary: Types of Insiders, Offences in Inside, Defenses for Inside, Liability for the Insider Dealing.


Seminar 1.1 «Insider Dealing».



Тема . Topic 1.2. Fraudulent Behaviour at Securities Market. Price Manipulation & other Offences

Lecture 1.2 «Price Manipulation & other Offences».

Summary: General violations at the Securities’ Market, Specifics of Price manipulation, Other offences at the Securities’ Market, Liability for Price Manipulation at the Securities’ Market.


Seminar 1.2 «Price Manipulation & other Offences». 


Reading list for Topic 1:


Essential Readings:

Shashkova A. Study Manual on the Bases of Russian Law. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. – 2015.

The Criminal Code of the RF No.63-FZ, dated 13 June 1996.

The Code for Administrative Violations of the RF No.195-FZ, dated 30 December 2001.

The Federal Law No.115-FZ “On Counteraction of the Money Laundering of the Income from Illegal Sources and Terrorist Financing”, dated 7 August 2001.


General Readings:

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia). Information Notice. On revocation of licences of securities market professional member URL:

D. Vasiliev. Capital Market Development in Russia. URL:


Official  sources:

The Federal Law No.135-FZ “On Competition Protection”, dated 26 July 2006.

The Law of the RSFSR No.948-1 “On Competition and Restriction of Monopoly Activity on Commodity Markets”, dated 22 March 1991.

The Federal Law No.46-FZ “On the Protection of the Rights of Investors in the Securities Market”, dated 5 March 1999.

The Federal Law No.224-FZ “On Counteracting the Illegitimate Use of Insider Information and Market Manipulation and on Amendments to Certain Laws of the Russian Federation”, dated 27 July 2010.


Internet resources: 


Тема . Topic 2.1. The Nature and Legal Control over Money Laundering. The Offence of Money Laundering

Lecture 2.1. «The Offence of Money Laundering».

Summary: Stages of Money Laundering, Offences in Money Laundering, Liability in Money Laundering.


Seminar 2.1. «The Offence of Money Laundering».


Тема . Topic 2.2. The Nature and Legal Control over Money Laundering The Offence of Money Laundering. Instruments to Control Money Laundering

Lecture 2.2. «Instruments to Control Money Laundering».

Summary: Instruments to Control Money Laundering, Obligations of Banks and other financial institutions in Anti-Money Laundering, Obligations of non-financial institutions in Anti-Money Laundering


Seminar 2.2. «Instruments to Control Money Laundering».


Reading list for Topic 2:


Essential Readings:

Shashkova A. Study Manual on the Bases of Russian Law. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. – 2015.

The Criminal Code of the RF No.63-FZ, dated 13 June 1996.

The Code for Administrative Violations of the RF No.195-FZ, dated 30 December 2001.

The Federal Law No.39-FZ “On the Securities Market”, dated 22 April 1996.


General Readings:

Money Laundering / Russia // Thomson Reuters. URL:

Anti money-laundering law is enacted in Russia. PWC. URL:

Anti-Money Laundering Forum. Russia. URL:


Official  sources:

The Federal Law No.273-FZ “On Combating Corruption”, dated 25 December 2008.


Internet resources: 


Тема . Paid content

 Protecting investments: accurate legal compliance with sanctions, anti-money laundering and anti-corruption 

Pietro Fantappiè Senior Associate, LegaLife Diaz Reus Pietro is an international lawyer with several years of experience who focuses his practice on the retail sector and service industries such as real estate and hospitality, cross-border transactions, blockchain and ICO, fraud, and commercial law. He also assists high net worth clients with international planning. Pietro holds a diploma in Business Administration from London’s Westminster College and a J.D. equivalent from the University of Florence, Italy.

Anna Shashkova Of Counsel, LegaLife Diaz Reus Anna has been practicing law for more than 19 years. Her practice includes in-depth expertise on money laundering and fraud, constitutional law, as well as corporate, business, and tax law. She is also a law professor at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), has widely published books on money laundering, Russian business law, and Russian corporate and business law, and authored over 150 publications in periodicals such as “Lawyer,” “President Control,” “Rossiyskaya Ustitsya,” etc. She graduated with distinction from MGIMO and obtained a Ph.D. in Law from MGIMO.

Protecting investments: accurate legal compliance with sanctions
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